
DIY Over the Knee Sweater Boot Cuffs

Looking for a quick, easy, no cost DIY project? Well this Pinterest inspired project is the one for you! With winter here in full swing, we have all pulled out our boots for those long treks around campus and all around town. For a little added warmth and style, over the knee sweater socks are a must during the winter season. However, pulling up those socks over jeans can sometimes be bulky and uncomfortable. A simple solution to this problem is to make sweater boot cuffs from the sleeves of your old sweaters or inexpensive thrift shop sweaters! They're easy to slip on and even easier to make!

So let's jump right in!

What you need:

  • Rotary Cutter or Scissors
  • Board or surface to cut on (This was originally a cutting board but over time it has turned into my craft board!)
  • Sweaters of your choice

Step 1: Lay out the sweater on your cutting surface. It's better to cut off more so you are able to cut it down if need be.

Step 2: Lay the cut sleeve on top of the other sleeve and cut so they are both the same size.

And there you have it in 2 easy steps! Quick and easy sweater boot cuffs in 5 minutes or less! 

Here is the final look of all 4 sweater boot cuffs! 

Tip: If the cuffs become stretched out, throw them in the dryer and they will be good as new!

If you decide to do this DIY project, please send me pictures on my Facebook Pagetweet me or show me through Instagram your pictures using the #simpleighbootcuffs
I would love to see them! 

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