
Pursue Your Passion: Quotes & Inspiration

Could this quote be more true?

For the people out there who are constantly thinking and dreaming about your purpose here on Earth, this is for you. Keep going! If you're a dreamer, success won't usually happen overnight, but rest assured the effort to getting there is worth it. You've only got one life to live, spend it doing what you love! Follow your passion and follow your heart! Don't stop working! All it takes is passion, persistence, and a little bit of timing!

Being from a small town there are limited options and opportunities, especially in the fashion realm. But I don't let that stop me! As long as I am here I won't! This quote is perfect for my situation! The town I live in may have limits and confining "walls", but my heart, brain, and dreams do not. You are in charge of knocking down your "wall." You built it, you demolish it! If you have the right mind set, the situation you are in can transform into a challenge that will only benefit you in the long run. Sure, I'd love to move to California yesterday, but as long as I'm here, I'm going to fight and jump over every wall and obstacle until I get there. If you have a "wall" you just can't seem to get over or break down, clear your mind and let yourself get there. Magical things will happen!

Isn't that the truth? It's already been four years since I graduated high school!!! Time really does fly, so stop waiting around until the "perfect time." The perfect quote for this instance is one by Hugh Laurie.

Love this quote! Why not now? Why start tomorrow? Start NOW! Not only will you be making your dreams come true, you will feel so liberated and happy! Fulfilling your dreams and aspirations is something so indescribable. Are we ever really ready to step foot into our dreams head on without any knowledge of the outcome? Absolutely not! There's always going to be that scared feeling in the back of our heads. If you're not scared, then your dreams aren't big enough. I'm not where I want to be right now, but it's the journey to getting there that is so rewarding and well worth it! Ready or not, pursue your dreams TODAY!

When you really think about it, nothing is out of your reach. And why is that? Because with hard work and dedication you can get anywhere! And it's especially easy to work your butt off when it's for something you absolutely love and can't get enough of! Keep pushing forward, you've got nothing to lose!

To quote the well-known High School Musical song, "We're all in this together" really applies to this quote. Without the help and encouragement from others, we wouldn't reach our goals either as fast or maybe even at all. If we help each other out in our field of passion, great things can happen! Support and inspire each other!

Last, but certainly not least, outdream yourself! Set the bar high. Keep setting new goals after you reach your old ones. Set both small and big goals. Dream bigger than you ever thought imaginable! People say it's you against the world, but first it's you against yourself. You are your own competition first and foremost. Once you have surpassed that challenge of letting yourself "fly and bloom" you are well on your way to success. Never stop dreaming. It's what will keep you going on this crazy ride we call life.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Images via Pinterest

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