
All About Florals

After 2 different occasions of trying to find the right background/scenery (heck, even a field or grouping of flowers) that I had in mind for these two dresses, I was finally able to photograph/blog about these two k/lab floral dresses! This past weekend, I was visiting my cousins and we spent the day doing a photoshoot. I was super pumped to finally get some color in my backgrounds, as well as some cool new scenery. I can't tell you how much I love a bright wall for blogging! After editing some pics, I realized that I had almost every color of the rainbow for backgrounds! YES! So pleased! I hope you are inspired by these two floral dresses and how I styled them!

Metallic Floral

Is this dress a showstopper, or what?! I actually got this dress for Christmas last year and I'm just now getting around to posting a blog about it. I just love all the colors in this dress and the fine details of metallic lining. For accessories, I chose one of my fav heels with a pop of pink and metallic sunglasses to bring out more metallic details. This dress is really sophisticated, yet a really fun number. It's a great dress for a night out on the town with it's bright colors and shiny details!

Sheer Floral

This dainty floral number is a 180° from the metallic dress. It has a serene vibe to it and I just adore the floral embroidery. The bottom sheer part really adds a special element to this dress, as well as the sleeves. I paired the perfect teal heels that I scored at a thrift shop for only $9 brand new and chose a flower choker necklace...of course! I love how this look is classy, but is still flirty. It's the perfect day look for work or even brunch!

Thank you to my mom for capturing exactly what I had in mind for this blog post! 
You da best! :)

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