
The One Who Dresses Like Rachel

Lately, I've been watching a whole lot of Friends...*clap clap clap clap*! I just can't get enough of it recently. I'm thinking about starting the series from the beginning on Netflix... and by start I mean binge watch! I've always deemed myself as more of a Monica with my competitive edge and impeccable organization, but I'm definitely like Rachel when it comes to fashion. Just the other day I was really inspired by one of Rachel's outfits and knew I would recreate the look, but soon after I realized I should dedicate a whole blog to her style. I'd say she has a pretty eclectic taste, just like myself, and she isn't afraid to create her own trends, which I love to do too! So, including one of my fav looks that I just saw, I also Googled "Rachel Green Fashion" and was inspired by two other looks, for a total of three outfits. I enjoyed this blog considering I haven't pulled inspiration from a TV series character before! I hope you enjoy it too and rock your inner Rachel Green!

Tied Up

I absolutely adore this look so much! I love how she made a tie look so feminine and chic! Who knew? The second this popped on screen my wheels were turning with ideas on how to recreate this look! It's safe to say I'll be rockin' some ties now!

What better blog photoshoot location than a coffee shop for this particular blog post! It may not be Central Perk, but it works for me! I knew I wanted to recreate this look using an off-the-shoulder shirt just like Rachel, but I knew I didn't have a white one, so this blue and pink one was the next best thing. But I love it just as much or more! The second I put on the tie and tucked it in, I knew this was a winner! This is such an unexpected accessory, executed in an unexpected way! I'm obsessed...if you can't tell! Like most outfits, I paired this look with my go-to distressed light wash jeans. As for shoes, I brought in that pop of pink from the top with these fun heels. I can't wait to experiment with ties now!

Plaid PJs

Not until after I started putting this blog together did I realize this outfit was her pajamas! But let me tell you, I couldn't tell! It kind of makes it all the better, pjs that come across as an outfit! What's better than that? This recreation is super comfy and definitely something you can throw on quick and be right out the door!

To recreate this look, I started with what was my late Grandpa's plaid shirt. I think he would appreciate me putting it to good use. This plaid shirt is perfect for the oversized look I was going for. Roll up the sleeves and you've got Rachel's plaid top! Underneath, she went pretty simple with a basic gray tank. I wish I had a pair of rust colored shorts, but I stuck with the high-waisted element, except with a pair of denim shorts. They are just as comfortable because they are super stretchy. As for shoes, I chose my Converse. I really like this look. It's easy, but really cute and stylish. I love simple outfits that are comfortable and trendy.

Bibs & A Blazer

This look is just too cute and so fun! Who would ever think to put together a pair of bibs and a blazer? I love it! Her style is so effortless and I really admire that! This look may be best on a chillier summer day, but sometimes we sacrifice in the name of fashion!

I'm really digging the combination of bibs and a blazer. It's so unique and fresh! I chose my green denim bib shorts and paired it with my mom's old blue blazer. I love the color combo too! Underneath, I paired a striped top, similar to Rachel's. As for shoes, I styled this outfit with my Converse, as well. Like I said, this look may be too many layers for a hot summer day, but you can always switch out the long sleeve top for a striped tank and the blazer for a sleeveless cardigan.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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