
3 Ways to Jazz Up Your Tees

T-shirts. Something casual you can just throw on, typically with jeans, and you're out the door. Right? Wrong! Well, to some degree! There are so many ways to up your t-shirt styling game. With just the right accessories and unexpected pieces, your t-shirt can go from plain to poppin'! I've styled 3 different tees with different accessories and bottoms to show you how easy it is to spruce up your t-shirts. The options are endless!

Pleated Skirts & Band Tees
T-Shirt: Hendrix Band Tee
Styling Tip: Dress up a complementing t-shirt with a statement skirt & heels

First off, I think this top was made for this skirt because it just complements it so well! Band tees are a go-to-put-on-and-go piece, but did you ever think of pairing it with something so dressy as a pleated floral circle skirt? Funny thing is, this exact time last year I featured this skirt in my Easter Weekend Looks blog post, and I went for an all dressy look. The juxtaposition of something that is considered laid back and casual paired with a dressier bottom creates something worth staring at as you walk by windows and see your reflection! Isn't that the point of fashion? ;) Anyway, instead of just tucking this band tee in, I opted to knot it on the side. Such a small detail can make all the difference. As for accessories, I had to go with one of my fav pair of heels and a pop of silver with a zipper clutch. These heels had that pop of hot pink to contrast with the light pink throughout the outfit. And let's not forget one of the cutest chokers I have in my choker collection (which is getting out of hand you could say....nah). This pom pom choker was the cherry on top to this outfit!

Basically with any dressier bottom, you can achieve this look. If you don't have any dressier skirts, throwing a tee over a dress and knotting it will do just the trick!

Corduroy Chic
T-Shirt: Cotton Levi's Tee
Styling Tip: Unexpected bottoms & accessories

One way to style a simple cotton t-shirt, like this Levi's tee from Ross, is to pair it with something unexpected. That unexpected piece could be a corduroy skirt of all things. But why stop there? To add a little bit of flair, I threw on some forest green knee socks to tie into the rose on the shirt and my Forever 21 flatform sandals. To tie in some color, I chose my red bandana choker. With just the right accessories an easy cotton tee can be transformed.

Don't be afraid to try different unexpected pieces. Sometimes they make for the best outfits.

Tassles & Distress 
T-Shirt: Graphic Tee
Styling Tip: Accessorize with neckerchiefs or scarves

Just about everyone owns a graphic tee or two...this particular one happens to be my sister's though! Thanks, Em! :) One way to make your graphic tee stand out from the rest is to accessorize with neckerchiefs or scarves. It comes as no surprise that I love this trend since I have an obsession with chokers. But I love how simply tying something around your neck instantly enhances a look. I bought this neckerchief at Kohl's recently and it can be worn in so many ways. I love how this pattern works with this mustard color tee. And those tassles! LOVE! It becomes a fun focal point. Instead of a pair of regular blue jeans, go with a unique denim wash with rips and tears. To finish the look, throw on a strappy heel instead of sneakers to amplify your outfit.

Graphic tees are usually so, well, graphic on their own, but with the right accessorizing, you can up your graphic tee game!

Although I only showed you 3 ways to jazz up your tees, and just a few other tips, there are SO many other ways you can amp up your t-shirt styling. Just have fun with it and explore different options that you normally wouldn't pair together. I hope this inspired you to style some of your favorite tees in a new way! :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Be simPLEIGH you!

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